
Dose-titration effects of fish oil ... [J Vet Intern Med. 2010 Sep-Oct] - PubMed


Food supplemented with fish oil improves clinical signs and weight bearing in dogs with osteoarthritis (OA).


Determine whether increasing the amount of fish oil in food provides additional symptomatic improvements in OA.


One hundred and seventy-seven client-owned dogs with stable chronic OA of the hip or stifle.


Prospective, randomized clinical trial using pet dogs. Dogs were randomly assigned to receive the baseline therapeutic food (0.8% eicosopentanoic acid [EPA] + docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]) or experimental foods containing approximately 2- and 3-fold higher EPA+DHA concentrations. Both veterinarians and owners were blinded as to which food the dog received. On days 0, 21, 45, and 90, serum fatty acid concentrations were measured and veterinarians assessed the severity of 5 clinical signs of OA. At the end of the study (day 90), veterinarians scored overall arthritic condition and progression of arthritis based on their clinical signs and an owner interview.


Serum concentrations of EPA and DHA rose in parallel with food concentrations. For 2 of 5 clinical signs (lameness and weight bearing) and for overall arthritic condition and progression of arthritis, there was a significant improvement between the baseline and 3X EPA+DHA foods (P=.04, .03, .001, .0008, respectively) but not between the baseline and the 2X EPA+DHA foods.


Increasing the amount of fish oil beyond that in the baseline food results in dose-dependent increases in serum EPA and DHA concentrations and modest improvements in the clinical signs of OA in pet dogs.

Copyright © 2010 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

Speaking for Spot: Dog Health Care Tips & Veterinary Advice

Learn how to become a savvy medical advocate for your dog. With a sense of humor and explanations that are easy to understand, Dr. Nancy Kay provides a wealth of dog health care tips and teaches you how to navigate the expensive, complex, and often overwhelming world of veterinary medicine. Visits to your vet will never be the same!

Dashound itching, fish oil, flakey

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We have a female Dachshund.She is a long hair and is between five to eight years old.She is very well cared for and we really check the food and treats that she gets.She also gets a fish oil pill every morning and She is bathed weekly which only gives her a short time of relief from her itching distress.I’m at my wits end.I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get her some relief. Thanks Bob  Answer
Hi Bob-

It sounds like she is really having some allergies, but unfortunatly I don’t have enough information here to really help. Please write back with some of the following information and I would be happy to assist!

1)What brand of food is she on, is it wet or dry, and how often does she eat it?

2)What type of shampoo are you bathing her with weekly)

3)Is she on flea control? if so, what kind?

4)Does she have hives, raised bumps or open sores?

5)Is her skin flakey?

If you could send some of this back to me, I would be happy to help. Thanks!

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I can answer questions regarding basic medical needs, diet, behavioral questions, training questions, animal rescue/rehab, breeding/whelping, and conformation showing. I AM NOT A VET- I HAVE COMPLETED TWO YEARS OF VET SCHOOL ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME IN DEPTH MEDICAL QUESTIONS THAT SHOULD BE DIRECTED ONLY TOWARDS MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. I WILL BE HAPPY TO ASSIST WITH BASIC MEDICAL QUESTIONS/NEEDS THAT I CAN OFFER MY PERSONAL OPINION ON.

I have been training/handling dogs for 12 years in conformation showing and obedience. I grew up with selective breeding and whelping, and can offer advice on professional responsible breeding, correct whelping techniques and genetic testing/screening.

For the last 10 years I have been a director of a large animal rescue group and animal welfare advocate for my state. I can offer assistance with training and rehabilitating rescue dogs (to a certain extent- please remember that without seeing and really evaluating a dogs condition, no trainer can offer complete advice.) starting your own rescue group, how to volunteer and donate effectively to rescue groups/shelters, finding your perfect pet, and adoption contracts/agreements.

I am a member of APDT- The Association of Pet Dog Trainers and have just started my third year of vet school at NC state. I am a pre-vet major with vet tech experience and behavioral studies experience. I have also spent many years researching proper canine nutrition.

Please remember that you are asking MY OPINION and that I am in no way shape or form a substitute for immediate vet care in the case of an emergency, or if you feel your dog may be injured, in pain, or seriously ill.

I maintain the right to refuse to answer any questions I am not comfortable with, I can not understand (please use proper spelling and grammar) or is in violation of my beliefs regarding proper animal welfare.


12 years of dog training/handling, conformation showing of several breeds, 10 years director of an animal rescue group, and a vet student.

APDT- Association of Pet Dog Trainers

3rd year vet student

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Animal Essentials Fish Oil Plus for Dogs and Cats, 180 Capsules (Pack of 3)Animal Essentials Fish Oil Plus for Dogs and Cats, 180 Capsules (Pack of 3) Detail : Wild caught fish oils serve as the best sources of Omega 3 fatty acids for dogs and cats. While flax oil is also rich in Omega 3s, it is not a complete source. Why? Because the Alpha-linolenic acid, (ALA) in flax oil does not convert to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at levels that confer any physiological benefit— and studies show that EPA conversion is deficient too. Plus, most holistic veterinarians agree that dogs, cats and other carnivores are naturally set up to metabolize most of the essential fatty acids they need from meats and animal fats – not from vegetable oils.
Read More..

The majority of the customer reviews reveal that the Animal Essentials Fish Oil Plus for Dogs and Cats, 180 Capsules (Pack of 3) are excellent item. It�s also a pretty great product for the price. This is great for a person on a tight budget. Yet, these are small problems, that are controllable and will be easily fixed. Overall, It�s a quality product and we are definitely recommend it! In case you still keep asking more about this product, so read the stories of those who previously used it.

From Tammy - What do you give your Staffy (extra supplements)

If anyone wants me to add any new topics on this blog,   pls just send me an email….   as Tammy has just done.


This would be great to start up any interesting topics we can all discuss on here.




Does anyone give their Staffy supplements like Sasha Blend/ Missing Link?

Any great cures for an itchy Staffy?


:: Oil Dogs : Omega Daily - Marine Lipid Extract For Superior Omega-3 Supplementation

Oil Dogs

Omega Daily – Marine Lipid Extract For Superior Omega-3 Supplementation

Oil Dogs

Oil Dogs

Give Your Health the Boost It Needs with Omega Daily

Life in our modern times is easier than it ever has been in terms of the amount of sheer physical labor we are required to do compared with centuries ago and it is certainly easier in terms of the amount of fighting just to survive that we had to do millennia ago. These facts do hold up, but have you ever wondered what happened to the quality of our years? Are they any better just because we get more of them to go through from the cradle to the inevitable end we all face? To be sure, there are a great number of challenges that each person faces today which would never have existed even a few decades ago. We are bombarded with all sorts of electronic distractions and reasons to spend more time on the couch eating convenient foods and less time out on the planet that we inhabit. There are two sides to every coin and it turns out that much of what makes life easier for us today is also what makes it difficult to live though while maintaining the proper health that would have been the natural result of normal daily activities and diet only a few centuries ago.

So how do we make up for these changes and bring our quality of life back to the level that we want it to be? The answer is simpler than it might sound and once we discover what it is, we are going to have a very easy time making some changes. We do not have to do a total life make over or go live in the woods in order to get the better health we crave from generations ago. In fact, we can enjoy the benefits of today while learning and borrowing from the secrets of ages past. With Omega Daily, we can harness the good health and vitality that fish oils have provided the human race with since we first crept cautiously from the caves to the water’s edge. These benefits are even more powerful today because they build up our immune systems, improve our joint flexibility and make our heart be able to do its job circulating our blood with a lot less effort. All of these factors, combined with the measurable results in increased mental performance that Omega Daily users can enjoy all come together to provide us with a huge number of top notch advantages for only taking a single pill each day.

Without any chemicals or some strange herbal cocktail of plants we have never heard of before, Omega Daily gives us just what we need to raise our standard of health from our own homes without any expensive or dangerous procedures, drugs or other wacky ideas that we might regret later. With Omega Daily, common sense health care is the focus and the results speak for themselves. Every single person out there who is experiencing the extreme benefits that this crucial dietary supplement is providing them with has made a choice for better health and any of them can tell you just how far this product has gone to improve their every day life experiences. Oil Dogs

Why You Need It

Heard of inflammation? Of course you have. But you may not be familiar with the ailments caused by chronic inflammation and the havoc it wreaks.

Inflammation is your body’s very complex reaction to injury, be it from physical, chemical or biological origins.

In moderation, inflammation is good. It’s the process by which your body sends reinforcements to an injured area, with increased blood flow and white blood cells to heal the trauma.

The trouble is, high stress levels and/or ongoing injuries shift inflammation into overdrive. Capillaries dilate, dozens of chemical reactions occur and inflammation attacks your healthy tissues…

Do you have ongoing stress in your life? An injury that lingers?

Then you’re probably familiar with the next part. Chronic inflammation, from ongoing stress levels and recurring trauma to the body can lead to tissue damage and organ dysfunction.

It starts out as pain and stiffness in the joints. Left alone, chronic inflammation gets worse, and can develop into:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Destruction of the Immune System

  • Anaphylactic Shock

Chronic inflammation is serious health concern that can damage the body, cause ongoing pain and lower your quality of life.

Now stop…hear the call of the seagulls and the gentle lapping of waves. Smell that salt in the air…

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Learn More about Omega Daily

Credit about Oil Dogs visit this page : Omega 3 Wiki,Fish Omega 3 List,Epa Dha Omega 3 Fish Oil,How To Take Fish Oil Liquid,Source Of Fatty Acid,Muscle Back Pain Relief,What Is The Omega 3 Good For,Oil Dogs

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Oil Dogs Reviewed by Karen Eisner on . Rating: 4.5

A Fatty Acid Primer

“EFAs” and “Omega -3 fatty acids” are very often recommended for a variety of inflammatory disorders. Not all fatty acids are created equal.

Fatty acids are required for normal cellular function. The essential fatty acids (or EFAs – those that must be provided in the diet to prevent nutritional deficiency) are linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid for dogs. Cats require linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and arachadonic acid.

Essential fatty acids come from plant and animal fats. The types most usable for animals are described as omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids, when incorporated into the cells of the body, tend to influence cells to make less inflammatory responses. When omega-6 fatty acids accumulate in cells, the responses they make to threats are more inflammatory. When an animal has a chronic, abnormal inflammatory condition such as allergies or autoimmune diseases, the better scenario is to have the cells full of omega-3 fatty acids for less inflammation and better comfort.

The most anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid is EPA (eicosapentanoic acid), contained in fish, krill and algae oils. DHA (docosahexanoic acid) is also contained in fish oil, and we tend think of it therapeutically for its effects in the nervous system – studies have shown that it helps puppies learn better and may improve cognitive dysfunction as well. Flax seed oil contains ALA (alpha linolenic acid), which is not nearly as potent as EPA. A single exception to the omega-6 fatty acid rule is GLA (gamma linolenic acid), which is an ANTI-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid.

We use fish oil for high EPA content. Flaxseed oil contains 55% ALA but unfortunately, it is converted inefficiently to EPA by its enzyme, delta 6-desaturase, and is not a strong anti-inflammatory fatty acid. And cats don’t have much delta 6-desaturase compared to dogs and people.

GLA is contained in evening primrose oil at 8-10% concentration, in black currant seed oil at 17%, and in borage oil at 23%.

So – can we use flax seed oil for inflammatory disorders like arthritis, cancer, or allergies? Yes – in dogs – but it won’t work as well as fish oil with its preformed EPA. Can we use the high GLA oils for inflammatory disorders? Yes, but the study results seem inconsistent so far as to whether they work. My preference is fish oil.

Info Regarding how much fish oil for dogs Unveiled By The Specialists

how much fish oil for dogs

As you can see, providing your pet a daily dose of the correct type of fish oil can significantly increase his total health and temperament. Many canines die younger simply because of incorrect care and providing him an low-cost supplement each day with his foods can make sure a longer, much healthier, greater good quality of life.

If you are asking yourself if fish oil is proper for your canine you are onto one thing. Omega three fish oil can support with your pet’s arthritis soreness and allergic reactions.

A 2008 Baylor University and Harvard Health care College study showed Omega three fish oil capsules reduces body irritation inside and out. This tends to make your dog healthier due to the fact significantly less inflammation indicates a more robust immune program.

My American Eskimo puppy, Baggins, took fish oil for the very last a long time of his daily life to assist with joint support and his total immunity. It really is good for so many items cardiovascular system, skin and coat, vision, arthritis and mind purpose. It really is the Omega 3 crucial vitamins and minerals in the oil that are so required to your pet’s overall health.

Let us appear at arthritis.

Arthritis has an effect on thousands of canines and the distressing, swollen joints can make it tough to run like they once did or even walk with out pain. You may have seen your pet seem stiff right after finding up from a nap or have difficulties going up and down stairs. These can be indicators of unpleasant arthritis.

Since fish oil is a organic anti-inflammatory, it can minimize the people stiff joints with out the harsh side consequences of NSAIDS.

NSAIDS are the typical anti inflammatory drugs offered to pets with arthritis. A single popular prescription drug is Rimadyl. This drug was originally created for men and women but the aspect outcomes of continual diarrhea and vomiting produced them require it off the marketplace. A number of months later it confirmed up at the veterinarian’s office!

I discovered of the awful aspect results of Rimadyl very first hand when I gave it to my canine for a number of times to aid minimize his arthritis. It made him so ill I took him off of it immediately after just a few of times. I was worried he’d be dehydrated and have worse difficulties than arthritis.

That is when I found the rewards of fish oil for dogs. This Omega three oil is effective at minimizing that persistent irritation connected with arthritis.

This oil is prosperous in Omega three fatty acids. If you primarily feed your dog kibble, he most most likely is not getting these essential vitamins and minerals in his diet program. You can complement with canned salmon, tuna and other fatty fish but you will need to have to be careful of toxins like mercury or direct.

You can feed the exact same fish oil dietary supplement you require. Some vets suggest one thousand mg for every day for your puppy.

Because there are a lot of products out there, it can be challenging to know the greatest 1 to choose .

Fish Oil Benefits for Dogs

Meet my dog Xena (Boxer/Greyhound) 4 yrs.

Mankind has been reaping the benefits of fish oil for centuries now and now new research has shown that fish oil is extremely beneficial for not only treating diseases but also in preventing them. 

The oil contained in fish is an extremely rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which has been found to be helpful in treating many conditions such as inflammation, allergies, heart problems and kidney disease. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, omega 3 oils have especially proven to be useful in treating skin problems such as excessive itching, infections and hair shedding. Apart from this, including fish as part of the diet also improves the dog’s mental health as it contains healthy brain supplements. 

Fish oil can also help to ward off cancer; a killer disease that is causing the deaths of millions of dog’s every year as it contains nutrients that can help to fight off of dangerous cancer cells. Fish is also a low fat food, so the animal is not at risk of gaining as much weight from eating fish as compared to other foods such as meat. Moreover it helps to regulate the cholesterol levels in the body which reduces the risks of heart attacks. Dogs as they grown old become victims of arthritis and bone deformities and doctors say that the best way to prevent this problem is by regularly feeding them with fish food. This is because fish food contains high amounts of cartilage which is incidentally a rich source of glucosamine and chondroitin which are essential components for the well being of bones. 

Fish is also high in proteins and low in sugar which means that it is easily digestible and this is especially necessary for older dogs whose digestive systems have slowed down considerably. Fish like Salmon also contain natural anti-oxidants that can help to exterminate certain kind of germs known to affect dogs. Thus as you can see fish can hugely help to boost your dog’s health and help it to live longer. So make it a point to regularly include fish in your dog food. 

Nevertheless if you are living in places where fish are either expensive or are difficult to find, then it would be feasible to go for packaged fish food. You can find these at most local stores but if you wish to buy these at discounted rates, purchasing them online from dog food companies is also not a bad option.

Fish food is much more nutritious than any other dog food, so if you wish to see your pets in the pink of health, start feeding them with these foods from today itself. 

What Oil Supplement Should I Give My Dog for Itching & Flaking Skin?

What Oil Supplement Should I Give My Dog for Itching & Flaking Skin?

Peteducation.com reports that food allergies account for 20 percent of allergies in pets that lead to itching and skin problems. Other causes may be environmental or may even be from natural bacteria that a dog carries on its skin. Many pet owners have been taught that a dog’s food will supply all the nutrients it needs to be healthy and live a long life. Unfortunately, many commercial dog foods contain wheat and soy, two of the most common ingredients to which dogs are allergic. Supplementing a dog’s diet with the fatty acids found in fish oil relieves allergy symptoms.

What are Fatty Acids?

    Fatty acids are types of polyunsaturated fats, according to PetEducation.com. The two main types important for dogs include omega-6 and omega-3 acids. Dogs produce some of the other necessary fatty acids themselves, but these essential fatty acids must come from their diet. Dogs need a proper ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids for healthy skin and coat. Most commercial pet foods contain a disproportionate amount of omega-6 acids.


    Two acids in particular, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid) are extremely important and found in marine fish and certain plants. Fish oil—commonly sardine or salmon oil—comes in gel caps and as an oil, which can easily supplement a dog’s diet. The oil is easier to add to a dog’s food. High-quality fish oil for humans is also suitable for animals, but if your dog is picky, choose a fish oil that is formulated for dogs. Those formulations may have an added flavor that dogs enjoy.


    Supplementing a dog’s diet with the fatty acids found in fish oil diminishes its itching and flaking skin, but will take at least six weeks to see a change. Most dogs get relief from symptoms sooner than that. Fatty acids also help with yeast infections of the skin, as well.

Use of Oils

    Add fish oil to your dog’s food every day. Follow the dosage directions on the bottle, but don’t be afraid to give your dog more than the recommended dosage if its allergies are very serious. In addition, many dosage recommendations are too low for results, according to PetCareNaturally.com. To cure medical problems, a dog should be consuming 1,500 to 2,000 mg per day of EPA and DHA ,and all dogs should be consuming a daily supplement of 1,000 mg to maintain healthy skin and coat.


    Many plant-derived sources of fatty acids are equally as potent as fish oil. These include flax meal or oil, pumpkin seed oil, sunflower or safflower oil. It is also okay to feed your dog sardines instead of the oil, which may have benefits over fish oil gel capsules.


Fish Oil For Dogs - Pets - Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Their Alternatives

Fish Oil For Dogs

Did you know that you can improve your dogs health by supplementing its diet with different fatty acids? Fatty acids will prove benefits beyond just normal dog foods. Fish oil for dogs and flexseed oil for dogs are two sources of these acids that you can add to your dogs diet.

What is the problem? Not Enough Fatty Acids!

Dogs and cats as well as humans are unable to produce fatty acids themselves so they must be gotten from other sources – from food. Dogs that are fed strictly processed foods can be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids since the processed foods are usually not very rich with these. The same actually goes for most of the “home cooked” foods that pets are fed with.

On one hand fish oil can help your dog with some existing health problems and on the other hand the lack of fatty acids can actually lead to health problems.

Benefits Of Fish Oil For Dogs

Omegas are anti-inflammatory. That means that they help your dog with arthritic problems by reducing inflammation of tissues and allowing more movement for activity. Actually omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial to either cat or dog or any other pets. Getting the right form of omega fatty acids in the form of flaxseed oil or fish oil for dogs are crucial to this.

Linoleic acid from these oils is can do wonders for skin health of your dog. It may even help reducing some types of cancers (reduce cancer cell formation) when used with other medications.

Fish oil also promotes healthy kidneys, heart, and lowers the cholesterol levels in your dog, and can boost the immune system which can make skin and hair healthier. Skin and hair conditions of dogs are some of the first indicators of a health problem so pay close attention to these.

Side Effects?

Improper dosages of omega 6 fatty acids can actually cause inflammation and that is something no pet needs. It can also lead to weakened immune system.

Fish Oil Dosage For Dogs

Proper dosage is important when it comes to pets so pay attention to it. This is especially important with flaxseed oil. Too much can cause runny stools in dogs and cats. But if your dog is constipated it can off course help if used in in lesser doses. Consult your veterinary about the proper dosage as they can be quite different because of the different weights and sizes of various dog breeds but a good rule of thumb is to give 1000mg per 30lbs of the dog’s weight. The problem with flaxseed oil is also that dogs lack an enzyme to convert it from inactive to active for optimum usage. So it is usggested that you rather use fish oil for dogs.

Salmon Oil For Dogs

One form of fish oil that is very good for dogs is wild salmon oil. Salmon oil has the highest amount of omegas than any other cold water fish so this is the premier choice. Testing is done to make sure the mercury level is below allowable levels and most supplements are well below them. Most dogs love the taste, too. It can give the dog various degrees of fishy odor, but reduction in amounts given can help with that.

These were the main benefits of fish oil for dogs. We hope you enjoy many happy moments with your pet.

17.09.2010. 00:58


raven 08.08.2011. 11:29

Small Fish Oil Pills for Dogs


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Posted in Canine Fish Oil, Cat Dandruff, Cat Health, Cats, Dog has itchy Skin, dry skin puppy, EPA and DHA, fish oil dosage, fish oil for cats, fish oil for dogs, Pet Health, pet information, Pet Stores, Pet Supplements, puppy skin, puppy with dry skin, Small Dog Health | 4 Comments

Skin and Coat Supplements for Dogs | Small Breed Dogs & Cats


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Posted in Canine Fish Oil, Cat Dandruff, Cat Health, Cats, Dog has itchy Skin, dry skin puppy, EPA and DHA, fish oil dosage, fish oil for cats, fish oil for dogs, Pet Health, Pet Supplements, puppy with dry skin, Small Dog Health | 1 Comment

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Posted in Canine Fish Oil, Cat Dandruff, Cat Health, Cats, EPA and DHA, fish oil dosage, fish oil for cats, fish oil for dogs, Pet Health, Pet Supplements | Leave a comment

Fish Oil Dogs

Is Fish Oil Healthy For Your Dog?

Many people are giving their dog fish oil as part of their daily diet. Fish oil contains Omegs-3 Fatty acids which is an excellent part of a diet for humans. Some of the benefits is it helps with inflammation throughout the body and can help prevent heart disease. The question is does it have the same benefits for dogs, or is is harmful? The answer is no it is not harmful and can have many health benefits for your dog. Research shows it may be helpful in preventing heart disease, kidney disease, and arthritis. You will also notice when giving your dog fish oil you will have less shedding and their coat will be nicer. Some veterinarians are also suggesting fish oil for allergies and skin conditions.
When giving your dog fish oil it is important that you give the right dosage. For a small dog you would give them between 500-750mg per day, if you have a dog that is between 40-60 pounds you can give them 1,000 mg of fish oil per day, and for a a large dog they can tolerate 1500-2000mg per day. You should always consult your veterinarian before giving them fish oil to make sure that your veterinarian feels it is beneficial for you dog. You should also check with your veterinarian on the dosage. If your dog has runny stools it is a sign that you need to cut back on the fish oil.
It is very beneficial to your dog to give them fish oil because they are unable to produce these oils on their own. Maybe your dog food says that it contains all the vitamins and minerals your dog will need. Is this true? Most dog food is grain based and most of the beneficial vitamins are lost in processing. Especially if you use dry dog food it is important that you give your dog fish oil. You should be giving it before they develop problems as a preventative measure, not wait till they develop heart disease, kidney disease, arthritis, and skin conditions. Since most is lost in their food it is a great preventative measure.

Know which fish oil to buy

There are so many brands of fish oil it may be confusing to know which one to buy. What you want to look for is a list of ingredients and the amount printed on the label if not you could be giving your dog fish oil that is harmful. If it’s not printed on the label it is filler oil. Make sure that healthy levels of EPA and DHA are on the label. know that the best fish oil comes from sardines, salmon, anchovies, and tuna. Be careful because some of the less expensive brands may have skipped the process of being tested for harmful contaminents.
The benefits that your dog can get from fish oil is amazing, just like with humans. You will make a big difference in your dogs health especially as they age. You want to make sure you start giving this to your dog at a young age to get the maximum benefits. Maybe they are healthy now, but as they age most dogs just as people will develop problems. Be good to your dog and start adding fish oil to their daily diet.

All About fish oil for dogs

There are many great ways to help a dog using fish oils. Many people may not realize it, but fish oils for dogs are a great way to ensure that a canine stays in top shape. The key ingredient in the fish oils is the Omega 3 fatty acids for dogs. Pets on their own, can’t produce these wonderful acids. Even more, the diet of a dog is usually consisting of processed foods. The processed dog foods are alright for the dog, but tend to lack in the Omega 3 acids that help the dog. This is also true for the majority of home-made meals for dogs. It is very hard to get the Omega 3 needed for dogs, unless using a special diet or supplement for a dog. This is where the fish oils come into play. It is a supplement with many great benefits to our canine friends. The first major appeal for fish oils is the help it provides in lowering cholesterol. This is equally important for dogs as it is in humans. The next benefits is the prevention in inflammatory diseases. The most common inflammation in dogs is in the joints and bowls. The fish oils can not only reduce the risk of such disease, but it can also help treat the disorder by reducing the inflammation. On top of that, fish oil for dogs helps in the cancer category. It has been shown to help reduce the risk of getting cancer in dogs. If a dog already has cancer, the fish oils can help in fighting the cancer. This is not to say that its a cure for such things, but it will help the dogs body fight it. The final major health problem that fish oils can help is heart problems. The fish oils do this by keeping the dog’s heart healthy in the first place, keeping the risk of heart diseases low. Fish oil for dogs does not stop at helping disorders and diseases, it also helps to boost the immune system. A healthy immune system supports a healthy production in skin and hair. A dogs coat becomes sleek and shiny when in proper health. The Omega 3 in fish oil for dogs will boost the immune system and support such growth and provide the wonderful coat all canines dream of. Even though there are many great positive results, it is important to ensure that the dog receives the proper dose. If the wrong dose is given many things will occur. It is possible the dog will start with loose stools, and loss of control of bowl functions. This is usually a result of bowl inflammation, and is easily corrected when the dose is fixed to the proper amount. Another side effect can include a weakened immune system. This will open the door for other problems to occur. The negative side effects of taking too much fish oil for dogs is basically the direct opposite of the positive results as you can see. To prevent this from occurring, all that need be done is to read the proper dosage for the supplement. Most of the time, dosage instructions are found on the bottle it comes in. If this is not the case, it is always wise to consult the dog’s vet. Vets are always more than happy to provide advise and suggestions on dosage and good brands on fish oil for dogs. You can find these helpful fish oils in many places. The most common place for this is the vet’s office. This is a great place to look, because they typically have name brand and a cheaper off brand available

what is good dose for dog fish oil

Using fish oil or omega 3 fatty acids to treat dogs for allergies with dog fish oil dose was a common veterinarian practice for years. Currently, fish oil or a dog fish oil dose is now said to be great for dogs who might be suffering from high cholesterol, kidney disease or even arthritis. The reason that fish oil is now considered a healthy additive to your dog’s menu is that fish oil relieves inflammation in your dog that can be a cause of itching. A common cause of itching in dog that is very disturbing to the dog actually is an allergy caused skin condition known as atopic dermatititis. Giving your dog a dog fish oil dose reduces the cause of the inflammation and reduces the chance of your dog itching himself and causing possible skin lesions. The benefits of fish oil for humans has been assumed by veterinarians to be equally beneficial for dogs as well. The anti inflammatory action of fish oil in dogs was always known and the recent findings of fish oil’s benefits in reducing internal inflammation of a body’s organs has added to the reasons given for giving your dog a capsule of fish oil with his food according to the package directions or to your veterinarians instructions.

More benefits of Fish Oil

Another reason given for adding fish oil to your dog’s diet is that the fish oil actually makes your dog feel better and makes him a better companion to his human caretakers. Your dog will not only feel better but will stay more youthful acting if given fish oil according to the studies cited by many veterinarians. The recommended dosage of fish oil for your dog is 1500 mg for dogs who weigh more than twenty pounds. Dogs who weigh less than twenty pounds should get less than the recommended 1500 mg a day in capsule form. For very small dogs a capsule of fish oil can be cut and some of the fish oil given to the small dog. Giving your dog a dog fish oil dose with his food will also reduce your dog’s risk of heart disease and prolong your pet’s life.
The recommended type of fish oil is fish oil prepared for dogs and not necessarily for humans. If your dog has allergies, your veterinarian might already be treating him with fish oil capsules. Dogs will allergies can take more fish oil than the 1500 mg recommended for dogs who do not show any outward allergies like itching. It is further recommended that you start your dog with the least recommended dose of fish oil for the first few weeks until you notice a change in your dog’s coat, behavior and overall health. The amount of dog fish oil dose that you give your pet depends on your pet’s size and other health conditions. For a normal dog, a capsule of dog fish oil dose with each meal is considered a normal dose of fish oil for your dog. For the smaller dog, reducing the 1500 mg a day for a twenty pound dog to fit with the weight of your dog is the recommended dose of fish oil.

To Much Fish Oil Can Be Bad For Your Dog

If you give your dog to much fish oil it can have some severe side effects. Giving fish oil to your dog has become a growing trend, it’s good for humans why not give it to your dog. Well it can be good for your dog but it is very important you give the right dosage. It’s important that you check with your veterinarian that it is beneficial for your dog, not harmful.
Although it’s a growing trend to give fish oil to your dog some owners have been experiencing dog fish oil side effects to be severe Mercury can be found in fish oil and is now reaching a dangerous level. Mercury poisoning can be very serious and you are actually poisoning them instead of making them healthier which was the original idea.

Pros and Cons of Fish Oil

Your dog, if receiving to much fish oil will have greasy, loose stools. This is the first obvious sign that you will notice since your dog can’t talk to you. It also may cause their stomach to become upset. If you notice any lack of appetite it is possible that their stomach is upset. If this happens it’s urgent that you immediately call your veterinarian. He or she may want you to stop the fish oil altogether instead of just cutting back. Fish oil can have many positive benefits for your dog but if you notice these signs they are getting to much. Maybe it doesn’t agree with them at all. If it makes them sick their is no benefit.
Fish oil can go badly quickly so if you notice a fishy smell you want to through the bottle away. This means the fish oil has gone bad and you don’t want to give it to your dog. It will be harmful to their health and is not worth the risk.
dog fish oil side effects can be fatal. Your dog can actually get salmon poisoning from fish oil. You will notice the listed side effects within a few days. Lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, weakness, and dehydration. Salmon poisoning can be fatal to your dog so if you notice these side effects make sure you get your dog medical help fast. This can result in death when you were just trying to give your dog fish oil for good health. Pay attention to your dogs symptoms if you choose to give fish oil.
If your dog is diabetic you should not give the fish oil. Dog fish oil side effects for a diabetic dog can raise it’s blood sugar. Regulating sugar levels in diabetic dogs is extremely difficult so it’s important to stick to the regimen that the veterinarian gave you. You don’t want to do anything to throw off their sugar levels it can be fatal to a diabetic dog.
It’s not worth the dog fish oil side effects. It’s fairly new to give it to your dog. The intention is good and we get so much benefit from fish oil why not our dog? Be careful if you decide to give fish oil since dogs can’t talk we need to observe these side effects and by the time we notice, it can be to late.

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Is olive oil okay for dogs?

I’ve never heard of any problems feeding olive oil to dogs; there don’t seem to be any harmful compounds in it (the way, say, chocolate turns out to be unexpectedly dangerous).

A tablespoon of oil is a fair bit of it, however, depending on the size of the dog.  A tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories. Dogs generally need only 20-40 calories per pound per day; a 20 pound dog eats 800 calories.  Adding an extra 120 calories per day is a fair bit.  The advice I’ve usually heard runs closer to a teaspoon, unless you’ve got a really big dog.

Good nutrition and health in general is essential to having a healthy coat.  I’ve heard a few claims made for olive oil, but the most important element is usually to make sure that the dog is eating a balanced diet with the right vitamins and minerals, which olive oil does NOT provide.

Check with your veterinarian for what dog food she recommends for your particular breed, age, weight, condition, etc.  Adding a little olive oil to that probably won’t hurt, and may help, as long as you’re not adding so much that it just makes your dog fat.

Omega QD Fish Oil Powder for Dogs –

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* 675 mg Omega 3’s (EPA/DHA) per teaspoon!

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* Fruit Pectin supports optimal absorption.

* Only ¼ Teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight daily!

Archives for September 2012 | fishoildogs.net

Fish oil can provide a fantastic supply of active omega-3 fatty acids. These Essential Fats are known for treating various contaminants and diseases in both humans and pets. Fish oil can be a wonderful supplement to add to a pet’s diet. It will increase the overall health of your pet and could help provide a longer life.

Fish Oil Dosage

The amount of fish oil to give your pet varies greatly depending on the circumstances. The brand and type of product being used, the size of your animal, and the reasons for implementing this compliment into their diet. If it is being used to treat a specific ailment, a larger dose may be necessary. However, it is solely a preventative measure, a lesser amount may be allocated. A general rule of thumb for a medium sized animal would be 1,000 milligrams of fish oil per day. Here we define medium sized as around forty to sixty pounds. If yours is larger, the dosage will need to be increased; 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams per day would be an ideal number. Inversely, smaller pets will need to receive less. A good number for them would probably be between 500 to 750 milligrams per day. No matter what you do, it is extremely important to consult your veterinarian before dosing blindly. There are some risks involved when receiving too much of any supplement, such as blood clotting.

Giving your dog this oil can be very beneficial; one aspect it offers is working as an anti-inflammatory agent. More research is being done showing more positive results in supplying this additive daily; such benefits include being a preventative measure for heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, allergies, and maybe even diabetes. Omega-3 for dogs also shows promise in preventing autoimmune disorders. If these benefits are not enough, research has also shown it may relieve constipation, deal with intestinal parasites, and lower cardiac arrhythmia. Lastly, it has been known reduce shedding and promote growth in the undercoat, leading to less frequent vacuuming.

Which Fish Oil is BEst?

Cold Water Fish such as salmon and trout are the primary benefactors of popular variants. Two types of active omega-3s are found within these specimen known as DHA and EPA. For your pet’s supplemental regimen, 1.75 grams of EPA per kilogram of diet and 2.2 grams of DHA per kilogram of diet is desired. This is according to The Journal of Veterinary Research; EPA and DHA work within your pet’s body to aid in reducing inflammation and can even work as a substitute for other anti-inflammatory medications. Cartilage damage is reduced by EPA which is done by lowering certain enzymes. Brain development is increased by DHA.

You should consult your veterinarian before giving your pet fish oil. The dosage will vary and your veterinarian will have the knowledge and experience in this matter necessary to guide your decision. A prescription for such an element is not necessary but it is still a smart move to speak with your vet. If your companion is taking other medications, this oil may not interact properly with them.

Fish oil in capsule or liquid form can be purchased at many retail locations throughout the world. Using omega-3 fatty acids in your pal’s diet has become more commonly practiced in recent years. This dietary compliment is overall very safe when used daily; however, do not forget to talk with your vet and read the labels on the products you buy. This will guarantee your pet’s safest consumption along with simply providing them a healthier lifestyle.

Pet Health Facts: Omega Fatty Acids

By the Drs4pets Team

Fat is the primary source of energy for your pet. The fats in food are made up of omega fatty acids, important nutrients in your pet’s diet. Not only are certain fatty acids essential for life, they also play critical roles in optimal health and vitality.

All foods contain omega-6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid is one of the omega-6 fatty acids, and is considered an essential nutrient. One of the key roles this fatty acid plays is to maintain the proper moisture balance in the skin’s surface. This is critical for maintaining a barrier between the outside world and the inner workings of the body.

Omega-3 fatty acids come from ingredients such as marine sources (fish oil or fish meal) and also from vegetable or plant sources (flaxseed or algae). While alpha-linolenic acid is the only omega-3 fatty acid that is truly considered to be an essential nutrient, it is likely that others in this important group will make the list soon. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), have been found to be critical for good health. DHA is important for the proper development of cognitive function and vision in young animals, and EPA has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Omega-3 fatty acids can diminish inflammation in the joints, skin and digestive system and may even help fight or prevent cancer.

It is important to feed a pet food that contains a blend of omega fatty acids to support optimal skin and coat condition, proper immune function and to control inflammation throughout the body. Looking at the label for sources of these critical nutrients, as well as checking the Guaranteed Analysis for the guaranteed levels, will help ensure that your pet’s diet contains omega fatty acids for optimal health.

 Question: How can I tell if my pet’s food has omega fatty acids?

Answer: Reputable brands will guarantee the levels of omega fatty acids in the guaranteed analysis. Look for words such as omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acid in the list of nutrient guarantees. This will prove that not only is it in the food, it is guaranteed to be there at a specific amount.

Question: Should I give my dog a fish oil supplement for his dry skin?

Answer: It would be a good idea to check with your veterinarian first. If the food that you are feeding has a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, a supplement may not be beneficial. There may be another explanation for the dry skin. Sometimes, additional supplements can lead to loose stools.

Question: My cat loves tuna fish. Can I feed this to her for the fatty acids?

Answer: It is important to feed a balanced diet to your cat. An occasional treat is ok, but be cautious. Cats can be finicky and may choose treats over their regular food, leading to dietary imbalances and deficiencies.

Photo by Tony

Visit www.drs4pets.com to learn more about pet health, nutrition and safety.

Glucosamine for Your Dogs Health

Treat your dog as he deserves to be treated and offer him whatever he needs to keep him healthy. Feeding your dog is the absolute minimum care that you can provide. To be truly happy, your dog needs your love as well as supplements for dogs to remain healthy. Dogs and cats prefer pet supplements such as fatty acids as nutritional supplements. You can easily find fatty acids, which are divided into the omega 3 and omega 6 type, in the marketplace. It’s been proven that fatty acids can be a substitute for medicine in the treatment of inflammation.
Fish oil is a supplement that has fatty acids in it and that is why it is used for its positive effects in helping people and pets with certain ailments. Fish oil supplements have only one minor inconvenience; a slight fish scent on the breath and/or the skin. If you give your dog the recommended dosage, your dog will not bleed. To prevent the scent of fish odor from lingering, you should definitely lower the dosage. Some pet owners fear that fish oil supplements may cause overweight dogs to encounter health problems. This however, is unfounded because fish oil supplements are perfectly safe to be taken by any dieting dog.
Fish oil for dogs is helpful for dogs with inflammatory diseases like allergies, arthritis, kidney disease, heart diseases and cancer. This supplement has proven to be very useful for cases of depression. It is also recommended if your dog has allergic skin disease. It comes as gel caps or a liquid and is easy to administer.A fish oil for dogs supplement contains a special combination of natural nutrients, known for their positive health effects on a dog’s skin and coat.It is very important to protect your dog`s skin because it is the largest organ of the body. Its role is to protect a dog’s body and to regulate a dog’s body temperature. That’s why fish oil for dogs is regarded as an important daily nutritional pet supplement.
Once your dog grows old, he will encounter health problems that will seriously affect his bones, muscles, and ultimately, his wellbeing. Some dogs develop arthritic conditions because their owners feed them red meat and forget to feed them vital nutrients such as Glucosamine for dogs to improve their health. Glucosamine is very important, because it can be found in the cartilage and synovial fluid and having a glucosamine deficit can cause your dog to have serious pain.
Due to the fact that oral glucosamine is absorbed directly into joint tissue, it can be very useful to treat osteo-arthritic conditions as well. Pet owners should definitely consider introducing Glucosamine supplements to their dogs alimentation if they see their dog having problems moving and/or if they have joint pain. Your dog will not be harmed when taking Glucosamine for dogs. Rather, your dog will enjoy the healthy life he deserves in his old age.Experts agree that natural remedies have been used for hundreds years to support both human and animal health.

More info about supplements for dogs.