
Archives for September 2012 | fishoildogs.net

Fish oil can provide a fantastic supply of active omega-3 fatty acids. These Essential Fats are known for treating various contaminants and diseases in both humans and pets. Fish oil can be a wonderful supplement to add to a pet’s diet. It will increase the overall health of your pet and could help provide a longer life.

Fish Oil Dosage

The amount of fish oil to give your pet varies greatly depending on the circumstances. The brand and type of product being used, the size of your animal, and the reasons for implementing this compliment into their diet. If it is being used to treat a specific ailment, a larger dose may be necessary. However, it is solely a preventative measure, a lesser amount may be allocated. A general rule of thumb for a medium sized animal would be 1,000 milligrams of fish oil per day. Here we define medium sized as around forty to sixty pounds. If yours is larger, the dosage will need to be increased; 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams per day would be an ideal number. Inversely, smaller pets will need to receive less. A good number for them would probably be between 500 to 750 milligrams per day. No matter what you do, it is extremely important to consult your veterinarian before dosing blindly. There are some risks involved when receiving too much of any supplement, such as blood clotting.

Giving your dog this oil can be very beneficial; one aspect it offers is working as an anti-inflammatory agent. More research is being done showing more positive results in supplying this additive daily; such benefits include being a preventative measure for heart disease, cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, allergies, and maybe even diabetes. Omega-3 for dogs also shows promise in preventing autoimmune disorders. If these benefits are not enough, research has also shown it may relieve constipation, deal with intestinal parasites, and lower cardiac arrhythmia. Lastly, it has been known reduce shedding and promote growth in the undercoat, leading to less frequent vacuuming.

Which Fish Oil is BEst?

Cold Water Fish such as salmon and trout are the primary benefactors of popular variants. Two types of active omega-3s are found within these specimen known as DHA and EPA. For your pet’s supplemental regimen, 1.75 grams of EPA per kilogram of diet and 2.2 grams of DHA per kilogram of diet is desired. This is according to The Journal of Veterinary Research; EPA and DHA work within your pet’s body to aid in reducing inflammation and can even work as a substitute for other anti-inflammatory medications. Cartilage damage is reduced by EPA which is done by lowering certain enzymes. Brain development is increased by DHA.

You should consult your veterinarian before giving your pet fish oil. The dosage will vary and your veterinarian will have the knowledge and experience in this matter necessary to guide your decision. A prescription for such an element is not necessary but it is still a smart move to speak with your vet. If your companion is taking other medications, this oil may not interact properly with them.

Fish oil in capsule or liquid form can be purchased at many retail locations throughout the world. Using omega-3 fatty acids in your pal’s diet has become more commonly practiced in recent years. This dietary compliment is overall very safe when used daily; however, do not forget to talk with your vet and read the labels on the products you buy. This will guarantee your pet’s safest consumption along with simply providing them a healthier lifestyle.

