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Archive for June 29, 2009

Hello Everyone

Pet Infoi bought a lab.

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June 29, 2009 at 1:01 am Leave a comment

Commitment Contracts

One of my readers sent a link to this interesting blog post.

June 29, 2009 at 12:26 am Leave a comment

Dog Training Centres Getting Popularity In China – Oneindia

Pet Info

dog training Centres Getting Popularity In China
dog training centres are cashing in on the latest pet craze in China. The country has witnessed to an increase in the number of pet lovers the number of …

and more »

More: continued here

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June 29, 2009 at 12:25 am Leave a comment

Salmon Oil Follow-Up

Thanks to everyone who has commented in regards to my post on Salmon Oil and other fish oil alternatives. This post is in response to some of those comments.

Question: Is Salmon Oil bad?
Answer: Absolutely not. Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil and other salmon oils are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Question: Can your pet develop a resistance to fish oil supplementation?
Answer: Yes. Similar to prolonged exposure to certain grains or proteins in a pet’s diet, resistance and sensitivity can occur with prolonged exposure to the same source of Omega 3 Fatty acids or any form of supplementation.

Question: What is the ideal source of Omega 3 Fatty acids?
Answer: A non-predator fish source that minimizes the potential intake of harmful toxins.

Question: What other sources of Omega 3 fatty acids can I use to minimize the development of supplement sensitivity?
Answer: Most high quality foods have a source of fish oil in them, try supplementing your pet with a fish oil or other Omega 3 oil that compliments the one in the food. Some examples are Sardine/Anchovy oil, Flaxseed Oil, Salmon Oil and Sunflower Oil. Most quality foods have flaxseed, sunflower or salmon oil in them so sardine/anchovy oil is usually a great compliment to their diet.

June 29, 2009 at 12:25 am Leave a comment

Hoppy Has Cat Scratch Fever

If you had to wear that, youThere’s a perception out there in the human community that dogs are mean based simply on their breed.

I find that despicable. Take for instance Chow Chow’s, of which I share an abundance of chromosomes with, who are seen as territorial thugs. Me a territorial thug? Only when it comes to the jar of peanut butter I hover over.

Let me go on the record and say it isn’t the breed, it’s how they were raised. I’m the greatest example, not an angry bone in my body.

On the other side of the spectrum is Scrappy.

He’s a golden retriever who isn’t allowed to retrieve anything in his life. He is angry and bitter at his lot in life. Little did I know this when I met him at the park, whereupon he pert near bit my head off. Whoever says Goldens are the perfect canine hasn’t met him, or me for that matter.

Moral of the story, don’t jump to conclusions when it comes to the cover that is a hounds look.

When it comes to felines, however, if you believe they are mean, you will be correct 100% of the time. Check out the latest evidence of a cat bent on doggy destruction from The Minneapolis Star-Tribune.

You don’t want to mess with Hoppy.

A pet that has twice raced out from its south Minneapolis yard to attack passing dogs and their owners was returned home Tuesday after Animal Care and Control impounded it for the second time in two years.

Hoppy is a cat.

Reports of cats attacking dogs in Minneapolis are rare, and last week Hoppy became one of just two cats currently labeled “potentially dangerous,” said Dan Niziolek, manager of Minneapolis Animal Care and Control. By contrast, the city has a list of about 140 dogs that have been declared a threat.

The felonious feline ran afoul of the law in fall 2007, when a man walking his dog said he was charged by a large black cat in the 3900 block of Drew Avenue South. The man, Thomas Buchberger, reported that he fell to the ground and was bitten and scratched several times before Hoppy let up. Buchberger’s dog, Walden, ran to the safety of the middle of the street.

The city impounded Hoppy, an adult male, and ordered him destroyed, but his owner, 82-year-old Leo Noltimier, got the ruling overturned, according to city records.

Then, last month, Hoppy did it again, according to the city. A second victim, Russ King, told the city he was walking his dog, a Maltese named Charlie, past the same house on the evening of May 20 when a cat matching Hoppy’s description pounced. When King scooped up Charlie to get the dog out of harm’s way, the cat scratched King instead.

When Animal Control came looking for Hoppy after that attack, Noltimier refused to hand over his pet, prompting city workers to get a search warrant for the cat.

Not surprisingly, Hoppy was found hiding in the dog house.


June 29, 2009 at 12:25 am Leave a comment

How piranhas got their teeth

How did piranhas the legendary freshwater fish with the razor bite get their telltale teeth? Scientists from Argentina, the United States and Venezuela have uncovered the jawbone of a striking transitional fossil that sheds light on this question. Named Megapiranha paranensis, this previously unknown fossil fish bridges the evolutionary gap between flesh-eating piranhas and their plant-eating cousins……..

June 29, 2009 at 12:25 am Leave a comment

It’s our Parade: Dogs invited to walk along

Dr. Becker and I have been absolutely thrilled that Parade magazine likes our work so much they keep asking for more articles. In today’s edition, we have tips for people who want their pets to walk nicely on a leash — and we tap some top experts to help:

All dogs may go to heaven, but it’s a sure bet that only the ones who walk calmly on a leash get to go to many places here on Earth.

It’s natural for dogs to pull, says San Diego dog trainer Liz Palika, but this can be dangerous for both pet and owner: “Pulling on the leash can injure the dog, hurting his neck, shoulder, front legs, and more.†And people have suffered broken bones and strained muscles trying to control untrained dogs.

So what should you do? Traditionally, training a dog to walk on a loose leash required a show of strength, perfect timing, and a willingness to teach the dog that the consequence of pulling was pain. Today, trends in training emphasize a less physical, more dog-friendly approach that encourages and rewards cooperation.

Read the rest. We have another article in the hands of the editors, but it’s not yet scheduled to run. I’ll let you know when it has a run date.


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June 29, 2009 at 12:24 am Leave a comment

Shiraz The Dogue De Bordeaux

This funny pup is Shiraz, the 12 week old female dogue de Bordeaux dog breed from England. Photo submitted by Nicole.

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June 29, 2009 at 12:24 am Leave a comment

Hello Everyone

Hi everyone! 4 Star Pets!

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June 29, 2009 at 12:23 am Leave a comment

