
Salmon Oil for Arthritic Dogs

Can Salmon Oil Treat Dog Arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition that affects humans and dogs alike. There are many different types of arthritis and mostly associated with joint pain. The lifelong condition can cause redness, swelling, and a lot of discomfort. The cartilage is necessary between the joints to insulate the joint and keep it moving freely. When the bones rub together the stiffness and inflammation occur. Of course with any pain there is limited movement and this even more disabling.

One out of every five dogs in the United States is affected by this disease. Our furry friends may have the very best of care with vitamins and a good diet, but they may be a candidate for a good anti-inflammatory Supplement for arthritis. If your dog seems lethargic and not in the best of moods, he needs to be checked, especially if he is an aging dog. Changes may be subtle so be aware of any change in behavior.

Fatigued dogs will sometimes favor a limb and have difficulty jumping or standing. Sleeping longer durations of time may be a warning sign, even with an aging dog. Symptoms may include a weight gain and hesitancy to run and play. Dogs are not verbal so they may be hesitant to communicate and the only answer is to take him to a veterinarian for an examination. A diagnosis and treatment should begin as soon as possible. A complete physical and X-rays may be involved. It is important to get the evaluation and select the best program treatment for your dog.

Dog Fatigue Arthritic DogA great many studies have been done in relation to Omega 3. Inflammation decreases in the arteries and other parts of the body. The health benefits were reported by researchers and scientists while studying Eskimo people in the 1970s. Their daily intake of salmon, fish and whale were high in omega-3 fatty acids. Researchers agreed that definite benefits were derived from keeping the body inflammation free.

Salmon oil has the necessary omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial to every part of the dogs body. Many time animals are deprived of this essential supplement which results in weakened joints and unhealthy organs. The supplements are an important part of a pets diet and are now being added to some canine food formulas. It is very encouraging to see the benefits of fatty acid supplementation.

Can Salmon Oil Treat Dog Arthritis?

As the pup gets older inflammation may be a problem that must be addressed. If your companion starts limping and has trouble getting up there is certainly some joint pain involved. It is best to get help as soon as possible. Arthritis is a degenerative disease and complications can develop quickly. The puppy specialist will give you the recommendation needed to aid the animal in some immediate comfort.

The high quality protein found in Salmon Oil supplies rich minerals and contains vitamins and natural nutrients. A powerful antioxidant found in the oil is vitamin E which has been found to lower the risk of heart disease. A healthy heart will result in stronger organs and better performance in the life of the dog.

Your pet can have a longer happier life with a regulated balanced diet. Start the puppy out with Salmon Oil in regular feedings. Inflammation and arthritis can be prevented by incorporating good nutritional habits at the very start of a animal’s life.

