Our pets are like members of the family. Itâs no wonder that people are doing all they can to ensure the health and longevity of their faithful companions. While some human medicines and supplements are not always safe for animals, there are a select few that hold many benefits for our pets as well. Anytime that you consider giving an animal a non-prescribed medicine or supplement, itâs important that you do as much research as possible to ensure its safety.
Fish Oil, a source of active omega-3 fatty acids, is a commonly used supplement that is not only safe to give to our dogs, it is an ideal daily additive that works to ensure their overall vitality. These fatty acids also have a reputation for treating many ailments and diseases.
Benefits of Using Fish Oil for Dogs
Fish oil can be used as a preventative measure, as well as a treatment for many diseases in canines. In the past, it was used to treat allergies; recently, it has been recommended in the treatment of a much wider variety of ailments.
Adding a dose of this treat to your palâs food can counter at symptoms of Kidney Disease, High Cholesterol, and Arthritis. It is also very successful when used as an anti-inflammatory, relieving itching caused by allergy-related conditions. In addition to all of these benefits, it may also used in the treatment of Heart Disease, Canine Cancer, Diabetes, Autoimmune Disorders in Pets, Intestinal Parasites, Diabetic Neuropathy, and it may Reduce Cardiac Arrhythmias.
Along with all these beneficial properties, this product has been known to support Heart & Joint Health, Keen Vision, Proper Immune System Function, and it Nourishes the Skin and Coat of all animals. Being said, it is apparent why owners everywhere are supplementing their dogâs diet with fish oil. A lot of prepackaged pet foods contain trace amounts; however, this minuscule dosage isnât enough to gain maximum efficacy. Making sure your bud gets an adequate amount of Omega Fats will go a long, ensuring they live a long and active life.
Fish Oil Dosage for Dogs
Following proper dosage instructions is important: the correct dosage can vary depending on what specific product is used, the size of your animal, and the reason youâre using it.
Used as a preventative measure, there are general guidelines to follow. For smaller breeds weighing less than 40 pounds, 500mg to 750mg per day is an adequate amount. Medium weights or 40 to 60 pounds, will require about 1,000mg per day; while heavier variations or at least 60 pounds, should receive 1,500mg to 2,000mg per day.
The exact dosages required for the treatment of diseases will vary. It may be necessary to administer a larger dose; importantly, you should consult a veterinarian before a treatment regiment is chosen. If your dog is given too much, it may interfere with the clotting of their blood.
Which Type Do You Choose?
When choosing which brand to use for your dog, there are a few things that should be considered. This product is available specifically for canines at any pet supply store in capsule and liquid form. The liquid, will most likely be easier to administer to your pet as it can be easily administered with their food. On the other hand, fish oil capsules can work just as well. Also, be aware that cheaper brands contain filler oils, causing their potency of Omegas to be far less sufficient.
How to Give It to Your Dog
Once you have determined the correct dosage, the oil can simply be added to your poochâs food. If you choose the capsules, you can puncture it and empty the contents into their dietetics. On the contrary, you can simply hide the capsule in a piece of bread, cheese, or inside their favorite toy.
You can also change it up every now and then by serving your pet an actual cooked fish. Salmon and Sardines are good choices, as they contain a decent amount of natural benefits. Notably, there are no adverse side effects associated with this product and if dosage instructions are followed, no harm will come to your loyal companion.
This supplement changes your pup from the inside out, beginning at the cellular level within the tissues and organs. Gradually, you should notice a more radiant coat and skin about your pooch. While an animal might not be able to thank you directly, their added years of being your loyal companion will more than show their gratitude.
1. We would like to give a special thanks to evolutionsuppy for there help in gathering providing information regarding fish oil and pets.
2. WebMD also provided useful information on omega oils for pets and humans.