
Is olive oil okay for dogs?

I’ve never heard of any problems feeding olive oil to dogs; there don’t seem to be any harmful compounds in it (the way, say, chocolate turns out to be unexpectedly dangerous).

A tablespoon of oil is a fair bit of it, however, depending on the size of the dog.  A tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories. Dogs generally need only 20-40 calories per pound per day; a 20 pound dog eats 800 calories.  Adding an extra 120 calories per day is a fair bit.  The advice I’ve usually heard runs closer to a teaspoon, unless you’ve got a really big dog.

Good nutrition and health in general is essential to having a healthy coat.  I’ve heard a few claims made for olive oil, but the most important element is usually to make sure that the dog is eating a balanced diet with the right vitamins and minerals, which olive oil does NOT provide.

Check with your veterinarian for what dog food she recommends for your particular breed, age, weight, condition, etc.  Adding a little olive oil to that probably won’t hurt, and may help, as long as you’re not adding so much that it just makes your dog fat.

