Perhaps many of us had ever heard of fish oil and its benefits for human health, such as to reduce the risk of heart disease, improve children’s intelligence, improve immune to infants and toddlers, etc..
But do you know what are the benefits of fish oil for your pet dog, possibly in your most already know the benefits of fish oil to maintain the health of your dog’s skin and fur, but is only limited to these health benefits of fish oil for your dog? The answer is no, it turns out there are very many benefits of fish oil for your beloved dog.
The content of Omega 3 in fish oil has always been widely used by veterinarians (Veterinarian) in various countries for the treatment of skin allergies in dogs, but now fish oil has been also widely used to treat various diseases such as kidney disease, reduce cholesterol and arthritis in dog.
In my post this time I will share with you what makes fish oil supplements must be one for your dog and how many doses should be given to your dog.
- Treating skin allergies in dogs and autoimmune conditions, especially for skin that lack of omega 3 dog
The content of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in fish oil can help reduce damage to tissue that lines the joint surface (cartilage) by decreasing enzyme activity in rheumatoid arthritis- Makes skin and hair better and beautiful dog
- Helps dogs that have kidney problems
- Make your dog is smarter and prevent mental decline
- Making more heart healthy dogs
- Increasing HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol), so that LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in your dog decreases
- Avoiding retardation in fetal brain and eye dogs, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in fish oil help your dog become more intelligent and easily trained. Puppies fed DHA is much more clever than the puppy who did not receive DHA
- Reducing the cancer cells in dogs
- Prevent degenerative diseases
- Reduce Bad mood
- Helping learning difficulties
Now that the benefits of fish oil for your dog, for if the medium dose of 1000mg course, if the small and large could not be better. If you have questions, suggestions, or criticisms of my post is in komentarin yah mbak Mas, Ito n Lae! by: Dog Companions