
Don"t drink the water!

Unless you wanna have a baby.  I had my 12th dear friend call me last night to tell me they are expecting a baby!  2012 knocked up 12 of my friends! HOLY COW.  I’m drinking nothing but bottled water from now on.  In all seriousness, congrats to everyone expecting; I just don’t know how I’m going to visit, meet, pinch all of these little feet, cheeks and ear lobes in 2013 without getting a separate “baby planner” to keep track :)

Moving on!  This weekend was awesome.  Lots of relaxing and lounging.  I will tell you this though, if these 2 don’t get a job soon and start pulling their weight around the house I’m gonna start handing out chores!

lazy chicken

lazy chicken

do some laundry or something donkey!

do some laundry or something donkey!

I’m just kidding, I’m not really gonna start charging the dogs rent; in case you were concerned or thought I had totally lost my mind.  It was a lazy weekend for everyone.  I got a facial with my mom and brothers girlfriend yesterday.  It was awesome, then I came home and read through my cook books and got some inspiration to make something.

cook books

I remembered I had wanted to make Yes, I Want Cake’s, coffee cake; I had to tweak the recipe just a bit since I didn’t have all the ingredients and next thing I know……..MY SHITS ON FIRE!  I was actually calm and looked at Jp and said “my cakes on fire.” and opened the door to the oven then shut it.  He thought I was kidding, but when he realized I wasn’t he yelled “Well get out of the way!” opened up the oven and blew it out. #myhero


Don’t let my sexy running socks distract you from my burnt cake.

If you think I threw this out you’d be wrong. I picked off the crunchy parts and pushed through. Verdict: Still good!

Other goings on: I started taking 1000mg’s of Fish Oil last week.  Remember I mentioned going on an anti-inflammatory diet? Well I told my doctor last appointment and he said no matter what I eat I won’t be able to get as much, and as concentrated as just taking a fish oil pill daily.  Sold! I bought this newer kind of fish oil pill called a “pearl”, they are smaller and shouldn’t leave that gross taste or burpy feeling with you.  So far so good!

fish oilJp and I started and almost finished the first season of “The Killing” on Netflix. I believe the show was originally on AMC a few years back.  Its so good, I can’t wait to find out who dun it!  We got through like 10 hour episodes and have 3 left.  I told Jp if we don’t find out who did it by the finale (cause there is a season 2 its just not on Netflix yet) I’m gonna google it.  I just don’t have the patience to wait ya know?  Other shows I’m obsessed with: Emily Owens M.D., The Following, The Bachelor (even though I skipped it last week on purpose, I’m just getting annoyed by it)  and the new Project Runway! (OH and GIRLS-did you watch last night?!? I mean Lena Dunham is a smart girl “lets write an episode where I get to hang out naked with Patrick Wilson the whole time!”) I haven’t liked this much tv in years, and its fun they are all on Mondays and Thursdays so I can sit down and have a bunch of good shows to watch in a row!

Happy Monday!  Hope you had a great weekend and even better Monday.  I know that’s not possible, but good luck!

