Cold-Water Fish for Dogs
Your pets rely on you to provide a nutritionally balanced diet, failure to do so can cause several health problems including lessened life expectancy, a lack-luster coat, painful arthritis, dry skin conditions, and joint pain. Each of these health problems can be prevented or lessened with proper nutrition; adding salmon oil to your animalâs regime can eliminate chronic conditions and improve their quality of life tremendously. With such compliments to their diet, your canine will live a longer, happier, life.
Many additives are available in capsules to be swallowed, in liquid form drizzled over their normal food, and in mineral enriched treats. Said oil is a polyunsaturated fat that is essential for proper functionality in all beings. Even though these fats are considered essential, they cannot be produced in our bodies and can only be acquired through an addendum.
The specific polyunsaturated fats included in Salmon Oil are Omega-3 and Omega-6. These compounds are the most beneficial when they are in proper ratio; salmon contains these acids in much larger dosages than beef or chicken.
What are the Advantages of Salmon?
The super-unsaturated fats are important to your dogâs nutrition for different reasons, their chemical structure cause them to benefit the body in altered ways. Omega-6 lowers cholesterol and creates a healthier, furrier, coat; it is also used to treat dry skin conditions, shedding, and scratching. The latter fat has anti-inflammatory properties such as arthritis relief and healthier joints. Many large-breed dogs suffer from hip dysplasia and other debilitating conditions, and Omega-3 is a popular treatment in such cases. Additionally, they are both considered a building block for creation brain cells and nerve tissue, as well as regulating blood sugar levels, triglycerides, and malignant growths.
Although canines generally eat various types of meat and seafood, cold-water salmon is the perfect choice for providing  the highest concentration of essential fatty acids, amino acids, and Vitamin E to your dog. The addition of this supplement is easy, effective, medium for longer vitality in your pet.