
Dashound itching, fish oil, flakey

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We have a female Dachshund.She is a long hair and is between five to eight years old.She is very well cared for and we really check the food and treats that she gets.She also gets a fish oil pill every morning and She is bathed weekly which only gives her a short time of relief from her itching distress.I’m at my wits end.I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get her some relief. Thanks Bob  Answer
Hi Bob-

It sounds like she is really having some allergies, but unfortunatly I don’t have enough information here to really help. Please write back with some of the following information and I would be happy to assist!

1)What brand of food is she on, is it wet or dry, and how often does she eat it?

2)What type of shampoo are you bathing her with weekly)

3)Is she on flea control? if so, what kind?

4)Does she have hives, raised bumps or open sores?

5)Is her skin flakey?

If you could send some of this back to me, I would be happy to help. Thanks!

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I can answer questions regarding basic medical needs, diet, behavioral questions, training questions, animal rescue/rehab, breeding/whelping, and conformation showing. I AM NOT A VET- I HAVE COMPLETED TWO YEARS OF VET SCHOOL ONLY. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME IN DEPTH MEDICAL QUESTIONS THAT SHOULD BE DIRECTED ONLY TOWARDS MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. I WILL BE HAPPY TO ASSIST WITH BASIC MEDICAL QUESTIONS/NEEDS THAT I CAN OFFER MY PERSONAL OPINION ON.

I have been training/handling dogs for 12 years in conformation showing and obedience. I grew up with selective breeding and whelping, and can offer advice on professional responsible breeding, correct whelping techniques and genetic testing/screening.

For the last 10 years I have been a director of a large animal rescue group and animal welfare advocate for my state. I can offer assistance with training and rehabilitating rescue dogs (to a certain extent- please remember that without seeing and really evaluating a dogs condition, no trainer can offer complete advice.) starting your own rescue group, how to volunteer and donate effectively to rescue groups/shelters, finding your perfect pet, and adoption contracts/agreements.

I am a member of APDT- The Association of Pet Dog Trainers and have just started my third year of vet school at NC state. I am a pre-vet major with vet tech experience and behavioral studies experience. I have also spent many years researching proper canine nutrition.

Please remember that you are asking MY OPINION and that I am in no way shape or form a substitute for immediate vet care in the case of an emergency, or if you feel your dog may be injured, in pain, or seriously ill.

I maintain the right to refuse to answer any questions I am not comfortable with, I can not understand (please use proper spelling and grammar) or is in violation of my beliefs regarding proper animal welfare.


12 years of dog training/handling, conformation showing of several breeds, 10 years director of an animal rescue group, and a vet student.

APDT- Association of Pet Dog Trainers

3rd year vet student

