
Nature"s Logic North Atlantic Sardine Oil For Pets

Winter weather can lead to dry, itchy skin for pets. Excessive shedding, scratching and dander production might mean your dog or cat could benefit from a supplement containing omega-3’s. These essential fatty acids are well-known for their ability to help pets with dry, itchy skin and to promote a healthy coat. In fact, clinical studies in dogs determined that those given a diet with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids had healthier skin and coat than those dogs fed a more standard diet. Sardine oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a good addition to your pet’s diet.

Nature’s Logic North Atlantic Sardine Oil, derived from wild sardines, is a natural, rich source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids. This brilliant, gold oil is the most popular source of EPA and DHA used in dietary supplements. It contains more EPA and DHA than salmon oil and has naturally lower levels of environmental contaminants. The oil is then purified and molecularly distilled to remove all the traces of harmful contaminants and achieve its human, pharmaceutical grade.

Here in CindyLu’s domain, the weather’s turned rather chilly. The animals had already begun their Fall shedding, which was really apparent on the ones that tend to shed in clumps or just plain profusely. Our hardwood floor has become carpeted these days, you might say.

CindyLu herself has been very, very itchy – so much so, I combed her for fleas. No fleas, nothing that might cause an itch. But with the colder air and the dryness from the heat running, her skin’s been driving her mad. We tried out Nature’s Logic Sardine Oil here on all the pets. It’s made a definite difference!

CindyLu is still scratching, although much less so now. I suspect that I haven’t given her enough of the oil though, so my bad… Chester, who normally tends to be itchy thanks to allergies, has shown tremendous improvement. He’s been much calmer about itching – in fact, hardly scratching at all – and his coat looks fabulous. That’s no easy task for a shepherd mix with severe allergies in the Fall.

The cats have noticeably smoother, softer fur. I would dare to describe it as luxurious. Their itchy episodes were banished when I began adding the oil to their food. All pets look healthy and are undoubtedly more comfortable than they would otherwise be. The sardine oil has truly made a positive difference on both dogs and cats here.

Congratulations to our winner – Jen D.!
Thank You to all who entered :)
The winner will receive a Free 16oz bottle of Nature’s Logic North Atlantic Sardine Oil (US and Canada only).

  • Leave a blog comment below about what winter weather means for your pet’s skin and coat. (Be sure to then register it in the Rafflecopter box)

  • Additional opportunities for entries are available once you register your comment entry.

Disclaimer: We received one 16oz bottle of Nature’s Logic North Atlantic Sardine Oil for review. Although copy was provided, we would not promote neither the product or the post if we did not believe this to be good for your pet. 

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