
Is Omega 3 Good For Dogs?

How Does Omega-3 Benefit Canines

The question “is omega 3 good for dogs? “, is a questioned being asked more frequently in recent years. As a topic on many blogs and an interesting debate among specialist, this question is ripe for the asking. As you explore this question is it best to consider the benefits that it can provide for your pet that are positive then weigh those against effects that might be unpleasant. To begin let us look at what could be seen as negatives to treating your dog with supplements.

Why you should not give your dog the supplement?- Finding no mention of serious side effects caused by it, one can only draw the conclusion that it is in fact a very safe supplement to give your beloved friend. However, buying good quality omega-3 supplements can get expensive, which can be a negative for some owners. Be aware however, if you try to save money and buy less than high-quality products it can give your animal gas or upset stomach.

Why Should I Give My Dog Essential Fatty Acids?

*Treatment of Osteoarthritis - As they age, larger breeds can sometimes develop arthritis. This painful disease can be detrimental to their quality of life, causing them pain when trying to do the simplest of daily tasks. Using these supplements as a treatment for Canine Arthritis has proven to be successful. Many pet parents as well as Veterinarians have concluded that the positive effects have led to a better quality of life for dogs that have been on an omega-3 regimen. Aiding in increased mobility, ability to play, and the ability to get up and down without pain, this product has been proven successful in helping pets cope with the detrimental effects of joint disease.

*Skin and Coat Improvement - Dogs that have been given omega-3 supplements have had increased shine in their coats, as well as less allergy issues with their skin. Imagine being able to bring back the shine and luster to the fur that he once had, not to mention helping him not suffer from irritating rashes, and skin problems. All this can be achieved by giving him nutritional products.

*Improves cognitive health - Studies have shown great benefits to cognitive health for animals that are given this product. For younger dogs, essential fatty acid promotes growth and a healthy brain development. Omega-3 has been shown to prevent brain degeneration in older pups that are at an increased risk of developing this problem.

*Lessen the risk of heart and kidney disease - Whether your pet has been diagnosed with certain types of heart or kidney disease matters not, they can still benefit. It has also been shown to help lessen the risk or prevent these diseases in healthy pooches, as well as help managing these diseases if they have already been diagnosed with one or both of them.

*Controls growth of Malassezia pachydermatous - It has been shown to control the growth of Malassezia which causes yeast infections in hosts.

How Much Omega-3 Should I Give My Dog?

Unlike some other supplements or medications, this item is very easily accessible. Of course getting a Veterinarians recommendation and guidance is the best option. Scheduling a visit with your Veterinarian and discussing how they can be beneficial to your pup is a good idea, along with getting the Veterinarians recommended dosage amounts. However, here are a few general guidelines for dosage amounts for omega-3, just to give you an idea on the proper dosage amount.

If your animal is healthy and you are giving it to him only as a preventative measure then giving him 800mg twice weekly is adequate. For small companions, take the amount down to 250mg and you will be spot on.

However, if you are administering it as a  treatment for any of the above mention ailments you can increase the dosage to 1200mg three times weekly for larger breeds, and 500mg three times a week for smilers furry friends.

As you can see the benefits health care for your animal are numerous. As a matter of fact the positives so far outweigh the negatives it seems a very easy answer to our before mentioned question, “is Omega-3 good for your dog?” the answer seems to be a resounding yes.

